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Are legal will kits OK?

There is an old saying “you get what you pay for”. Free wills are no exception. Your last will and testament is your opportunity to make clear your intentions after your death. Some businesses will sell you a simple legal will kit or offer an online will service.

Making a will to accommodate any degree of financial or relationship complexity requires thorough discussion with the individuals concerned. With something this important you want to ensure your legal wills are based on good legal advice and drafted to reflect your particular circumstances. Unfortunately many people try to save money with a will pack or generic will forms. They simply don’t realise how often a will is contested and that important issues were not addressed. The pressure on families dealing with legal wills in a time of grief can create unfortunate divisions. To reduce the possibility of a will contest, that is, being argued over by beneficiaries, it is important to do it properly.

However if you don’t have any complexity in your relationships, property and financial affairs, a simple will kit may be quite suitable for your needs.

For peace of mind, we encourage you to give Streeterlaw a call to discuss your situation and whether to take more time to make your will.

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