The most important thing you should know about your team of lawyers and legal staff is that we care.

Divorce lawyers in Sydney – How to choose

Divorce Lawyers in Sydney can be found on the internet, in local newspapers and even at shopping centres. Yet selecting a divorce lawyer is an extremely important step in moving forward and achieving justice.

Mark Streeter Sydney Lawyer

Finding a good lawyer in Sydney is not something everyone feels comfortable asking their friends and family about. Every divorce is different. You probably don’t want a general family law lawyer if your situation is a bit more complex or involves business interests.

Mark Streeter of Streeterlaw Sydney does not focus solely on family law. This gives clients a distinct advantage when dealing with divorce and separation where one or both partners have business interests, or even where fraud may be involved. An essential part of every divorce and separation agreement is the finances. The more financially astute your Sydney lawyer is, the better off you can be as you start a new life.

The Free Parting Ways Divorce and Separation Booklet and series of free email videos is designed to answer common questions. Knowing what to ask a lawyer saves you time and money. The booklet and emails also help you to be introduced to Mark Streeter via video before you even pick up the phone or send an email. You can download the Parting Ways Divorce & Separation booklet free.

Learn more by reading the profile on Mark Streeter

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