Free eBook: Workplace Fraud Investigation


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Fraud Lawyers

The Streeterlaw Fraud Recovery team defines fraud as the “use or abuse of a relationship by deceit”. In the majority of our cases we act for the victims of fraud.

Fraud incorporates a range of scenarios, including:

  • Corporate, industrial, criminal or private fraud;
  • Deception;
  • Embezzlement;
  • Misappropriation;
  • Internet fraud;
  • Identity fraud;
  • Insurance fraud
  • Deceit;
  • Theft; and even
  • Blackmail

Failing to obtain legal advice now may impact you, your business, your fraud claim and your prospects of success in obtaining relief from the Court (getting your money back or being awarded damages). Often victims of fraud who fail to obtain adequate legal advice allow those who perpetrate fraud to do so to others.

Fraud investigations require skill, speed and precision and demonstrated experience. These cases can be complex and may require expert evidence.

Streeterlaw strives to protect the financial and intellectual capital of our client by:

  • Dealing with fraud and misappropriation promptly and confidentially;
  • Using asset tracking and enforcement to ensure a maximum recovery; and
  • Coordinating with third party expert service providers and liaising directly with police and other regulatory bodies, particularly during the covert phase of the investigation

If you suspect or want to investigate fraud, it’s important to know what NOT to do and you need to understand how to legally investigate fraud.

Please contact our commercial litigation experts now on 8197 0105 or email