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What’s makes Streeterlaw Sydney lawyers unique?

The most important thing you should know about your team of lawyers and legal staff is that we care.

Tamika Moore

Client Service Specialist

What is your role?

My role as the Client Service Specialist is pivotal to the firm. My main responsibility is to provide exceptional service to our clients by identifying their needs and ensuring that they’re met. It is important that our clients’ experience with Streeterlaw is a positive one.

I also give support to our Solicitors and Clerks by facilitating effective communication through various channels within the business and ensuring that all tasks are completed with efficiency and professionalism.

What are you passionate about?

With years of experience in various support roles across multiple industries, it is evident that my passion is working with people, both internally and externally. I thrive on helping others overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. I thoroughly enjoy providing support to individuals and organisations during their time of need ensuring a good outcome for all.

What do clients say about you?

Clients have described me as being very attentive and able to complete requests within a timely manner, without compromising on quality and service. I have been praised for my level of integrity, and my empathic approach to all situations has always been appreciated.

Tamika Moore

Client Service Specialist

Suite 35.01
Level 35
31 Market Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Telephone: 8197 0105
Facsimile: 02 9264 4622


ABN: 72 108 461 945

Mark Streeter

Accredited Specialist - Commercial Litigation

Jamal Bakalian

Senior Solicitor

Tamara Stevanovic

Senior Solicitor

Dean Jessep

Wills & Estates

Angelika Turner


Tamika Moore

Client Service Specialist

Family Law Articles

Commercial Litigation Articles


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