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What’s makes Streeterlaw Sydney lawyers unique?

The most important thing you should know about your team of lawyers and legal staff is that we care.

Angelika Turner


What are you passionate about?

Building relationships with clients and finding a resolution which meets their often complex needs.

What makes a good lawyer?

Integrity, tenacity, empathy and understanding.

In the areas of law in which I practice, clients are often meeting me during the hardest time of their lives – separation, divorce, issues relating to parenting, family conflict and death are deeply personal. It is important to me that clients are met with empathy and understanding in order that a resolution that addresses their specific needs and circumstances is achieved.

What motivated you to study law?

I want to work to achieve justice for people who are disadvantaged or prevented in some way from having a voice. I want to ensure that all people have access to justice.

What do clients say about you?

Angelika is patient and made me feel comfortable throughout the entire legal process. She is a pleasure to deal with.


LLB/BIS – Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of International Studies major in International Relations
GDLP – Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice
Member – Law Society of New South Wales

Angelika Turner

Suite 35.01
Level 35
31 Market Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Telephone: 8197 0105
Facsimile: 02 9264 4622


ABN: 72 108 461 945

Mark Streeter

Accredited Specialist - Commercial Litigation

Jamal Bakalian

Senior Solicitor

Tamara Stevanovic

Senior Solicitor

Dean Jessep

Wills & Estates

Angelika Turner


Tamika Moore

Client Service Specialist

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