
How to lend money to family or friends without losing either

8-January-2016 Commercial Disputes By Mark Streeter

The old saying, “Neither a borrower, nor a lender be – for often you lose both the money and the friend”, is commonly very true for borrowers and lenders today. Loans to friends and relatives can be particularly fraught due to varying...

Cases of ‘revenge porn’ rising

7-December-2015 Fraud and Insolvency By Mark Streeter

In an era where smartphones and posting on social media have became commonplace, the risk of intimidation or a breach of privacy through the posting of inappropriate or embarrassing digital content has escalated. “Revenge porn” is one emerging...

Blackmail cases rising in online era, where invasions of privacy abound

2-December-2015 General,Fraud and Insolvency By Mark Streeter

What should you do when your confidential details have been fraudulently exposed? And are website privacy statements trustworthy? In June 2015, the NSW Legislative Council called for an inquiry into serious invasions of privacy in NSW. This follows...

Six tips to avoid partnership disputes

Commercial Disputes By Mark Streeter

Disputes are an inevitable part of doing business, particularly in a scenario where parties agree to work together in order to advance their own mutual interests. Streeterlaw provides six methods that will help you manage (and even avoid) Partnership...

How to decide who gets to spend time with the children at Christmas?

30-November-2015 Family Law By Simone Green

The stress of separation can be made even more apparent around holidays such as Christmas when special arrangements are required for each parent’s time with the children. Consequently it is also a very busy time for family lawyers! It is natural...

Steps needed to secure passports and travel overseas with children of separated parents

Family Law By Simone Green

Overseas travel with children is often a contentious issue among separated parents and is a common application in the Family Courts. An application for a child’s passport must be made to the Minister responsible for Citizenship, under section 11 of...

Incidence of domestic violence rising

28-November-2015 Family Law By Mark Streeter

With more than one woman dying every week in Australia this year as a result of domestic violence, the Federal Government recently pledged more than $100 million to create awareness, educate support staff and even provide for “duty solicitors” at...