Tag: property adjustment

Legal contracts can be altered if the wording is wrong

28-November-2017 Property By Jamal Bakalian

The sale and purchase of any property often represents a milestone in a person’s life. As such, we know how important it is to make sure all of the finer details in a conveyancing contract are correct and agreed upon by both parties. Occasionally, a...

Defaulting on property orders can be disastrous

13-November-2017 Family Law By Simone Green

Case study: Blackwell & Scott [2017] FamCAFC 77 (28 April 2017) Family Law orders frequently involve a cash payment from one party to the other when a jointly owned property is to be retained by one person as part of a property adjustment....

The dangers of delaying property settlement

20-June-2017 Family Law By Simone Green

De facto couples have two years from the date of their separation to bring an application to the Court for property adjustment, or otherwise formally settle their property by way of a Binding Financial Agreement or a Consent Order. Married couples have...