Tag: article
Guardianship Division – 11 Points to Prepare You
16-July-2019 Guardianship By Mark StreeterThe Guardianship Division of NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) serves an important role. These 11 points will help prepare you. There are things you need to DO and other things you should NOT do. 1. Read the hearing notice The Tribunal...
What is the Guardianship Division of NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT)?
Guardianship By Mark StreeterThe Guardianship Division of NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) is a specialised dispute resolution forum with jurisdiction narrowly defined by legislation. While its jurisdiction may be limited, the orders it makes can be far reaching and...
Risks associated with challenging a Binding Financial Agreement
29-November-2016 Family Law By Simone GreenSection 90K(1) of The Family Law Act 1975 (“The Act”) provides for a number of grounds upon which the Family Court of Australia can set aside (alter or remove) a Financial Agreement, including the power to set aside an agreement that is “void,...
Top 5 tips for surviving Christmas as a separated family
Family Law By Simone GreenStreeterlaw's Principal Solicitor in Family Law, Simone Green, has come up with the following five tips to avoid some of the anxiety attached to family Christmas celebrations when you are separated from your former spouse: 1. Negotiate early and...
Five tips to reduce the pain of parenting disputes
Family Law By Simone GreenStreeterlaw’s Solicitor in Family Law, Ms Simone Green, has a wealth of experience to share with clients. Here she provides five insights about the Family Law process that can help couples take steps to avoid as much financial and emotional pain as...
At what age can a child decide who they want to live with?
17-June-2016 Family Law By Simone GreenAt Streeterlaw, we are often asked ‘at what age can a child decide where they want to live?’ Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to that question. When there is a dispute about where or with whom a child will primarily live, the child’s wishes...
How the ‘justice and equity principle’ is applied to the division of assets in the Family Courts
30-March-2016 Family Law By Simone GreenWhen the Family Court is asked to decide how property should be divided, the first thing it will consider is whether it is “just and equitable” to do so. In the great majority of cases, the Court has no hesitation in finding that it is just and...
Top tips to protect your assets in a de facto relationship
Family Law By Simone GreenDe Facto Relationship Meaning Couples who decide to move in together and share in one another’s lives need to understand the potential legal ramifications of such a decision. The relationship could now be defined as “de facto" and as such, may incur...
What’s the difference between getting divorced and the process of dividing a couple’s assets?
10-February-2016 Family Law By Simone GreenPeople often confuse the process of divorce (the termination of the marriage) with the process of separating and adjusting a couple’s property interests. The two issues are completely separate. It is not necessary to wait until you are divorced to...
How to decide who gets to spend time with the children at Christmas?
30-November-2015 Family Law By Simone GreenThe stress of separation can be made even more apparent around holidays such as Christmas when special arrangements are required for each parent’s time with the children. Consequently it is also a very busy time for family lawyers! It is natural...