Tag: Case Study

Defaulting on property orders can be disastrous

13-November-2017 Family Law By Simone Green

Case study: Blackwell & Scott [2017] FamCAFC 77 (28 April 2017) Family Law orders frequently involve a cash payment from one party to the other when a jointly owned property is to be retained by one person as part of a property adjustment....

Risks associated with challenging a Binding Financial Agreement

29-November-2016 Family Law By Simone Green

Section 90K(1) of The Family Law Act 1975 (“The Act”) provides for a number of grounds upon which the Family Court of Australia can set aside (alter or remove) a Financial Agreement, including the power to set aside an agreement that is “void,...

At what age can a child decide who they want to live with?

17-June-2016 Family Law By Simone Green

At Streeterlaw, we are often asked ‘at what age can a child decide where they want to live?’ Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to that question. When there is a dispute about where or with whom a child will primarily live, the child’s wishes...

Top tips to protect your assets in a de facto relationship

30-March-2016 Family Law By Simone Green

De Facto Relationship Meaning Couples who decide to move in together and share in one another’s lives need to understand the potential legal ramifications of such a decision. The relationship could now be defined as “de facto" and as such, may incur...

Obligations to a spouse can overturn a property transaction

17-February-2016 Family Law,Guardianship By Simone Green

The issue of estate planning and Family Law are closely connected and it is imperative that people receive advice regarding their rights and obligations to their spouses before writing out their will (entering into succession planning arrangements)....

Timing is crucial when filing for property orders

13-January-2016 Family Law By Simone Green

Couples who separate need to understand the importance of properly documenting their property settlement. This can be done with a consent order or Financial Agreement. It is essential that separated parties carefully note the following ‘critical...

Cases of ‘revenge porn’ rising

7-December-2015 Fraud and Insolvency By Mark Streeter

In an era where smartphones and posting on social media have became commonplace, the risk of intimidation or a breach of privacy through the posting of inappropriate or embarrassing digital content has escalated. “Revenge porn” is one emerging...

Streeterlaw wins significant Supreme Court of NSW decision

18-March-2015 Fraud and Insolvency By Mark Streeter

A recent Supreme Court of NSW case has found that internal fraud litigation proceedings within an Australian company must be heard in an Australian court, even though the parent company is from New Zealand. The decision is now one of only two recent...

Children’s education fund accessed for ex-wife’s self-support

19-February-2015 Family Law By Simone Green

When a couple separates, the financial resources that used to be available for the benefit of both parties now need to be stretched to provide for separate living expenses. The issue of spousal maintenance comes into play when one party is in a weaker...

Husband excluded from wife’s lottery windfall

Family Law By Simone Green

When Mr and Mrs Eufrosin went to court to have the division of their assets finalised, the judge did not look favourably upon the husband’s claim to a portion of his wife’s $6 million in lottery winnings. Facts of Eufrosin and Eufrosin [2014]...