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Opening hours 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Monday to Friday
Level 2, 50 Park Street, Sydney NSW 2000

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PO Box Q318
QVB NSW 1230
ABN: 72 108 461 945

Tel: 1300 293 957
Fax: 02 8003 9101

Got a Question?

Some people opt to represent themselves if there are no complications in the divorce. However, it’s better to hire a lawyer if:

  • You anticipate problems serving the application to your spouse
  • There’s been a period of separation under the same roof
  • The marriage is greater than two years
  • There are children under 18 involved.

Various factors determine the legal costs in a family law matter. Examples are if there is a dispute between parties if the matter is simple or complex, if there are allegations of family violence in a parenting matter, or if there are trust issues when it comes to property matters.

Your case may need a few months, or a few years to resolve, largely dependent on the parties, their conduct, and respective attitudes. Some determining factors are if there is a dispute between parties, is the other side cooperative in reaching an agreement, is your matter at court is relatively more urgent than other matters.

Family law matters do not receive cookie-cutter resolutions. So just because your friend has paid a particular amount, it doesn’t mean your costs will be the same. It’s highly likely that the facts involved in each case will be different, leading to different costs.

Dividing all your property may be the most difficult part of your divorce. We at Streeterlaw ask you to provide a list of all your assets including mortgages, vehicles, and real property. We will then discuss how you prefer to divide it up and exchange information with your spouse and their attorney. If spouses cannot reach a decision about dividing their estate, a court will help divide it up after notice and a hearing.

You cannot include a business in the divorce if it was created before the marriage. It is, however, community property if formed after marriage and can be divided. Streeterlaw  will determine your rights and how you can protect your important assets to proceed with your divorce without impacting the business you built so hard.

A business valuation expert will help assign value to your business. And your family law lawyer will help determine the value of the rest of the community estate to ensure the business can be awarded to the business owner and a fair amount of the remaining estate to the business owner’s spouse.

Yes, you can make your own child support arrangements. However, the Department of Human Services will not be able to help enforce late payments until an assessment is in place.

Seek urgent legal advice and get an order to place the child’s name on the Airport Watch List if the threats are credible. This prevents the child from leaving the Commonwealth of Australia until parenting orders are settled.

The amount depends on each case. It is the Department of Human Services that calculates the amount based on various factors like each parent’s income, the number and ages of children, and the number of nights each child spends with each parent.

Yes, filing for divorce online is an easy process, where you can even choose the hearing date.

Yes, filing for divorce online is an easy process, where you can even choose the hearing date.

No, all child custody matters are determined by relevant facts.